Секрет счастливой старости пожилой пары в горной деревне вдали от цивилизации
In this film, we dive into the touching story of an elderly couple who found their happy old age in the remote mountain village of Kolodne, in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, not far from the border with Romania. Grandfather Ivan, who is 81 years old, and his wife Olena, an 83yearold housewife, live among picturesque landscapes and natural storms. Despite the harsh conditions, such as frequent storms that uproot trees and cause downed power lines, this couple has skillfully adapted to live in harmony with nature. Together they overcome all difficulties, taking care of their farm, growing food, taking care of animals and maintaining health in unity with the surrounding world. They sincerely believe in God and live according to God s word. This story is about how you can find true happiness and peace in simple things and the silence of nature. Facebook Page : You can watch with subtitles. Hard life of an elderly couple in a mountain