A musical BL series by Oxin Films. This is the story of Prince Zeyn. A young and audacious prince whos destined for a path filled with adventure soul searching and true love. His journey leads to new challenges, magical moments, new relationships, and the most difficult decision of his life. The decision of his heart over duty, as the future king of Zurbania. Prince Zeyn has to differentiate his reality from fantasy. What is more important His responsibility to rule a nation or his hearts desires. Can he find middle ground or be forced to make the ultimate decision. Executive Producer And Director: Xion Lim Asst. Director: Jm Nebres Production manager: Rowena Concepcion Asst. Production manager: Lara Mesina, Nats Nespero CoProducers Curlee Discaya Cezarah Rowena Discaya Cristina Canlas Dianne NietoAbiqui Head writer: Jd Tanuvasa Screenwriters: Diego Henrique Adrian Sy Rambano Steven Joe Noora Javee Prestousa Starring: Adrian Dionisio Eurwin Canzana Chukchuk Mel Mart