HEBREW MELECH HAKAVOD KING OF GLORY Tehilim, Psalm 24:7 10 ( English)
Please do support us as our Heavenly FATHER leads you and your heart to give generously at or Your support is greatly appreciated Thank you Love, the BenDavids Short summary and Lyrics Melech HaKavod, KING of Glory Tehilim, Psalm 24:710 God of War, you may ask Whatever happened to the God of Love Well, it s about time the world has a full knowledge of the Holy One of Israel, YHVH Tseva ot, the LORD of Armies (See also Exodus 15:3 Zechariah 14:34, Isaiah 6:3, Psalm 18:1315, Revelation 19:1121) Scriptures depicting a NOJOKE, NONONSENSE God Who means business makes War with His enemies and the enemies of His Covenantal People because of His Eternal LOVE for us As it is written it s a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Creator of the Universe Whose Grace Patience we have exhausted by our unbelief and outright rebellion against a Most Loving Creator S