Mel Acheson: Playing w, Historical Thinking, Thunderbolts
Mel Acheson: Playing w, Historical Thinking, Thunderbolts ThunderboltsProject Second episode in a sevenarc series on the art of critical thinking. Knowledge tends to progress incrementally for long periods as popular theories are developed and adjusted to fit discrepant evidence. Eventually, entirely fresh foundational ideas become necessary. To explain new evidence, the gravityandgas theories are patched with hypothetical, unobservable, and untestable phantoms: collapsed matter, dark matter, dark energy. These phantoms must be there to save them from falsification and change deepseated habits of thinking. Gravity and gas don t allow for electricity in spaceplasma requires ita fundamental distinction between the Standard Model and EU Model. Science critic Mel Acheson explains from the historical point of view why it s time for the next conceptual revolution.