Vocal Music Recital 2021. Galina Benevich Katarzyna Neugebauer
Soprano Galina Benevich Piano Katarzyna Neugebauer Speaker Michael Merrifield Sound Efim Benevich Production Benevich Art All rights reserved For now only English virsion is available, but we are working on more options of subtitles as well as speaking leading. You can help us to make it quicker by supporting us If you like to donate : Paypal: Yoomoney: We appreciate your support Part 1 2:19 Bellini, La Sonnambula, Amina s aria 9:30 Mozart, Die Zauberflöte, Pamina s aria 14:38 Weber, Der Freischütz, Ännchen s aria 22:20 RimskyKorsakov, The Tsar s Bride, Marfa s aria 28:45 Rossini, Il Turco in Italia, Fiorilla s aria 33:09 Thomas, Hamlet, Ophelia s mad scene Part 2 46:45 Liszt, Oh quand je dors 52:00 Rachmaninoff, Don t sing, my beauty 56:32 Rachmaninoff, How fair this spot 59:08 Tchaikovsky, Whether day dawns 1:02:41 Strauss, Wasserrose 1:05:55 Strauss, Amor 1:09:08 Gimenez, aria from zarzuela El Barbero de Sevil