Cistercian Chant Vox Nostra Antiphon Psalm 113
Antiphon: Pulchra es, et decora (Hl. 6, 3) Psalm 113: In exitu Israel (Cistercian Antiphonar from Morimondo, c. 1175) from the liveconcert: Vespera de Beata Maria Virgine A Vespers of the Cistercian Order in the 13th century with works by Monastery Maulbronn, Cistercian nuns of the monastery Las Huelgas Cistercian Antiphonary from Morimondo, performed by the Ensemble Vox Nostra: Winnie Brückner Soprano Philipp Cieslewicz Countertenor, Christoph Burmester Tenor Werner Blau Bass, Burkard Wehner Tenor, Musical Director. View, listen, purchase or download here: Details: Purchase CD: Download MP3 (HD):