xenharmonic music from dekany island (imaginary folk tunes)
Xenharmonic Music From Dekany Island Imaginary Folk Tunes These are various short tunes I created several years ago while experimenting with the Dekanies tuning system. Some are simple melodies, while others developed into full songs. Despite its small size, this 10note system offers numerous possibilities. The inspiration for this video came from a post by Sevish, discussing traditions, tunings, and mentioning a fictional place called Dekany Island, where people use this scale. I chose to use these tunes to portray this place as they incorporate the dekanies scale and evoke a folkish ambiance. Interestingly, some tunes are based on Argentinian folk music I ve integrated AIgenerated images to enhance the concept. 0:00 dekany, 01 0:42 dekany, 02 1:19 dekany, 03 2:03 dekany, 04 2:36 dekany, 05 3:18 dekany, 06 3:42 eikosany, 01 4:23 dekany, 07 4:52 dekany, 08 5:52 dekany, 09 6:18 dekany, 10 7:15 dekany, 11 stop shredding Tuning: CPS Dekany (1 3 5 11 13) Sevish post: More dekany music: