Perpetual Operator Dominique Koch, 2016
The small medusa Turritopsis dohrnii constitutes the central figure of the video. This enigmatic entity is considered as theoretically immortal, capable of regenerating itself in full in order to indefinitely reinitiate its cycles of life, in the manner of reverse metamorphoses. The film proposes to envisage the cycle of life of the medusa as a theoretical concept, a speculative condition or a form of prophecy. This abstraction allows the author Dominique Koch to bring closer this aporetic concept of a loop without end at once dynamic and static and the perpetual movements of production and destruction inherent to capitalism unwrapped by the philosophers Maurizio Lazzarato and Franco Bifo Berardi during conversations that serve as a narrative base of the film. Content drawn from widely differing areas of research converges on the instant of its mediation, creating unlikely encounters but also are revealing urgent concerns that normally pass unnoticed amid the ceaseless flow of information.