В. Иванова F. Schubert
Виктория Иванова. Баркарола, соч. 72. Ф. Шуберт. Слова Л. Штольберга, перевод А. Плещеева. Г. Зингер, фортепиано. 1969. Victoria Ivanova. Auf dem Wasser zu singen, F. Schubert. Lyrics by L. G. von Stollberg, Russian translation by A. Plescheyev. G. Zinger, piano. Recorded in 1969. In the Middle of the Shimmer of the Reflecting Waves In the middle of the shimmer of the reflecting waves Glides, as swans do, the wavering boat; Ah, on joy s soft shimmering waves Glides the soul along like the boat; Then from Heaven down onto the waves Dances the sunset all around the boat. Over the treetops of the western grove Waves, in a friendly way, the reddish gleam; Under the branches of the eastern grove Murmur the reeds in the reddish light; Joy of Heaven and the peace of the grove Is breathed by the soul in the reddening light. Ah, time vanishes on dewy wing for me, on the rocking waves; Tomorrow, time will vanish with shimme br, br,