Satchitananda A Thought Away (1978) ( Full Album) Prog, Hard Rock
Great and obscure complex progjazz, fusion band of the Maryland, Washington DC area. Intricate, hight dynamic with constant keyboard and piano alternations, beautiful sax and flute dialog and soloing. Apparently the bass rhythms has been replaced by the work on keyboards and the band played a nice, intricate Prog, Jazz, Fusion, albeit in a much lighter version than the one performed by most bands of the sound is driven by the constant keyboard and piano alternations, they remind me of compatriots ILIAD and even FLIGHT at moments with the mix of sweet vocal lines with ethereal jazzy tunes and totally professional the keyboards don t prevail there is some room for measured sax soloing and even some good flute lines, always performed with a sense of melody and without the guys becoming too offensive with nonsense use of synthesizers in different fashions, either like a dominant instrument or in a background, supportive way and cool electric piano all the