Godzilla and Rex The Saga ( So 2014 2022
Every single video that Rex has appeared in on my channel, whether it be him as the main focus or as a short part near the end. If he didn t appear at all except for a recap, it wasn t included. The earlier videos may not have looked the best, but I m still proud of them. I can t thank you all enough for sticking with me for as long as you have, I just hope I can keep bringing you all laughs and hype moments. It s a little weird having my videos for the last 8 years summed up in about 22 minutes. A big thanks to all the people who ve helped me get this far, especially my voice actor friends Devil Artemis and JanFuzzBall for their wonderful voice talents. My close friend Jon Haight who has saved my butt on several occasions with editing and just overall support. Credits: Ultraman Ultimo (SFM Workshop) for Godzilla 2014 PS4 model Godzilla 2000 model created by 2009Mechagodzilla and ported to SFM by UltramanUltimo Β L Λ Ζ