Yuzuru Hanyu Power of words, Touching and motivational speech during ice shows
Your words carry power, to hurt, to help, and to make a change. What prompted Yuzuru Hanyu, the double Olympic champion, an earthquake survival to ever wanted to take his life Answer: People s criticism. You know, we live in a world filled with comments and reviews. Many athletes and public figures suffer through these criticism and have raised the issues about mental health. Not just the athletes, almost everyone. Have you ever written a comment, review and then be criticised Have you ever written anything bad about others yourself We can be the change ourselves. The next time, before you write down a comment, review, think twice. And what Hanyu taught us, is always to appreciate everything in lives. This is perhaps the best lesson in life, be grateful, for everything. Featured Figure Skaters, olympicchampion, pyeongchang2018, sochi2014, beijing2022 , yuzuruhanyu Yuzuru Hanyu, 羽生結弦, Юдзуру Ханю, 柚子哈牛, 124