The Chinese Economy in the Next 30 Years: Political Reform vs. Status Quo
Milken Institute Опубликовано: 30 июл. 2019 г. What s in the future for China China has transformed from a closeddoor society to a prosperous and progressive one in the past 40 years. Pragmatism and progrowth policies in the reform era centered mostly on people s lives and building a nation with a modern economic system. With China at the threshold of entering the middleincome stage, how will the nation advance further in the coming decades In light of sharply rising geopolitical challenges on the global stage and the declining prospect of consistent moderate expansion on the domestic front, how the new generation of Chinese leadership tackles these challengesif they choose to do sovia social transformation and political reform will be critical. Through the lenses of scholars, business executives, and government officials, this panel will discuss the likely approaches the Chinese leadership will take to answer to the current challenges and opportunity. Along the discussion, the panel