Spaghettis et Caviar by The French Mademoiselles
ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE, JUST CLICK From the upcoming album Femme de Paris Download the Single : PreOrder LIMITED EDITION VINYL COLLECTOR Visit the Official website : Meet the French Mademoiselles on Facebook: Meet the French Mademoiselles on Instagram You told me my darling I ll take you to paradise someday You said get the moon for me Jewels and put your fortune at my feet As my cousin Jacky says Eat spaghetti between friends It s better than caviar So better than to eat caviar With an old asshole You told me my cherie I will love you like Louis his Pompadour You wanted like a lover Cover my body with gold and diamonds As my cousin René says Better to sleep under a starry sky Than sleeping in a palace Sleeping in a Palace With a disgusting old man Eat spaghetti With his friends Be