247 The Third Temple Walter Veith
Construction plans have been drawn up, temple coins have been minted, priests have been appointed, red heifers are ready for sacrifice and temple furnishings are just waiting to be installed. Will the building of the third temple usher in the Messiahs earthly reign Or could it be one of the great signs Jesus warned would be wrought to deceive, if possible, the very elect Expectations for the building of a third temple rise from dispensationalism. But where did this theology come from Is it even Biblical Jesuits Francoisco Ribera and Cardinal Robert Bellarmine introduced dispensationalist teachings in the 1500s as part of the counterReformation. The new theology acted as a lightning rod conductor to take heat from the Biblical Protestant doctrine that the antichrist already ruled from his seat in Rome. The fourth century church historian Eusebius, and many other Bible students throughout the ages, including Reformers Luther and Calvin all held this position. Nevertheless, dispensationalism