B K Arrive Aka Bulganin And Khrushchev Arrive (1956)
Portsmouth, Hampshire London. GV. Portsmouth Harbour (title super over). GV. Russian cruiser Orjonikidze arriving into Portsmouth Harbour. SV. Soviet Prime Minister, Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, and Soviet Communist Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, standing on the deck of the cruiser. LV. Soviet cruiser drawing nearer to the quayside. SV. Soviet cruiser with Bulganin and Krushchev standing on the deck. GV. Dockers pulling hawser drawing cruiser alongside. SV. Russian sailors on deck manhandling hawsers. CU. The name of the cruiser in Russian letters on stern of ship. GV. Naval Guard of Honour from HMS Victory in foreground. Bulganin and Krushchev coming down gangway. Guard of Honour presents arms. SCU. Bulganin takes his hat off and Krushchev as well. SCU. Bulganin and Khrushchev standing to attention with hats off. Angle shot, Soviet flag flying from mast. SV. Krushchev and Bulganin being greeted by Soviet Ambassador Jakob Malik and Mr Gromyko. SV. Ship s hands watching from British ship. GV. Bulga