Instructions to Rupa Gosvami Rupa siksa. Kemerovo. Eng Rus
One receive knowledge through parampara, the disciplic succession. Any knowledge outside of this disciplic succession is considered useless. Lord Siva spoke that verse. Specially our sampradaya is called Rupanuga guru parampara. Around 5oo years ago a great devotee appeared in this world Rupa Gosvami. We are all following his instructions. On this class we will speak about Rupa siksa. 5oo years ago Krsna appeared in the form of His own devotee. Krsna appeared to taste devotion. Devotion to God is so nice, that even Krsna Himself wants to taste that. Krsna is the original spiritual master jagad guru. He is the spiritual master of the whole world. Why Because Krsna spoke Vedic knowledge at the beginning of creation. So 5oo years ago He came again, and He gave very valuable instructions to Rupa Gosvami. So those instructions are for all of us also. Rupa Gosvami appeared in place which is now known as Bangladesh and he met the Lord at Prayag. He came there with his brother Anupama. Sri Krsna Cai