Jiri Kylian Nomaden, Nomad
Nomads is a balletmodern work incorporating ceremonial animaldance movements. And it is also very fashionable in its conceptual structure. The Cast NOMADS, music, Igor Stravinsky; choreography, Jiri Kylian; scenery, Mr. Kylian; costumes, Willa Kim; lighting, Joop Caboort; solo clarinetist, John Moses. WITH: Roslyn Anderson, Nora Kimball, Nacho Duato, Ric McCullough, Shane Carroll, Marly Knoben, Glen Eddy, Michael Sanders, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Sabine Kupferberg, JeanYves Es querre, James Vincent, Jan Hanniford, Joke Zijlstra, Leigh Matthews and Leigh Warren. Presented by the Netherlands Dance Theater at the Metropolitan Opera House.