Celtic Song Harp and Voice She moved through the fair by Fralalai
She moved through the fair (Traditional Irish Song) Harp and Voice by: Fralalai SPOTIFY: spotify:artist:06o6KIdz6kRcf7KpJxvqWw INSTAGRAM: fralalai FACEBOOK: Lyrics: My young love said to me, my mother won t mind And me father won t slight you for your lack of kind. And she put her hand on me, and then she did say: It will not be long, love, til our wedding day. Then she stepped away from me, and she moved through the fair And so fondly I watched her move here and move there And she went her way homeward with one star awake As the swans in the evening move over the lake Last night she came to me, my true love came in So softly she came in, her feet made no din And she put her hand on me and then she did say: It will not be long, love, til our wedding