The Peter Christopherson Castration Trilogy (1977 1992)
The Peter Christopherson Castration Trilogy (19771992) This is Phil Barrington s totally unauthorised fan edit of all three fauxtorture performance art films that Peter Christopherson created, from the legendary COUM days, through PTV and on to NiN. The original audio tracks from the first two edits have been replaced for copyright and artistic purposes. All other elements used under Fair use, Fair Dealing doctrine to accompany Barrington s essay, for review and further study of Peter Christopherson both as an artist and of his visual work itself. It also focusses on the milestone of Geoff Rushton s move to London in 1982 and his subsequent symbolic rebirth as Jhonn Balance. This chronological compilation feature includes Barrington s review edits of the following films that Peter Christopherson either directed or filmed: After Cease to Exist (1977 Christophersonshot material only, used here for review purposes, Cosey Fanni Tutti credited as original director). First Transmission (edited back i