Diamonds Are Forever Elsa Wagnon performs to Moulin Rouge at 2023 Pro Skaters Live Auditions
Elsa Wagnon performs to a medley from Moulin Rouge : the Broadway Musical at the 2023 ProSkaters Live Auditions Performance Camp, held at Ice Chalet in Knoxville, Tennessee. Filmed by Jordan Cowan of OnIcePerspectives, March 2023. Since 2014, ProSkaters has connected professional skaters with top producers across the world. They regularly host live auditions and performance camps. ProSkaters is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization. Learn more at On Ice Perspectives brings figure skating to audiences worldwide through the web and social media. Created in 2018 by former Team USA Ice Dancer Jordan Cowan, OIP is supported through viewers like you. Thank you. Support: Contact: More On Ice Perspective on the web: Website Instagram oniceperspectives TikTok oniceperspectives YouTube Facebook Twitter iceperspectives Twitch Patreon , moulinrouge, iceskating, figureskating, oniceperspectives, icedancing, icedance, iceskate, figureskate, isufigureskating