the SIMPLEST cnc PEN PLOTTER, how to build it
in this video I will show you how to build a new high quality Arduino based CNC pen plotter I designed. it s meant to be the simplest drawing robot you can build, in fact it is built only using some wire, a rubber band, some bearings, some cheap electronics, and a few 3d printed parts. this CNC pen plotter works on polar coordinates instead of cartesian, but don t worry, I will explain how to properly use it in my next video. this CNC pen plotter is a great option if you want to get started with CNC pen plotters and Arduino, it s very easy to build, simple to use and cheap. some useful links: firmware and software (includes also a user manual): 3D models: 28byj48 bipolar mod (go to minute 1:50): images used in this video panda: world map: music: