How to Write a Riff (or Melody) over a Chord Progression
Free eBook: Whether you re an electronic music producer making EDM, or a guitarist in a band playing rock, this Hack Music Theory lesson will teach you how to write guitar riffs and midi synth riffs over chord progressions. If you want to turn your simple chord progressions into contagiously catchy riffs, then this video is for you So, click play and learn how to compose a song on guitar, keyboard, or in your DAW, by following these six songwriting hacks for writing a riff or melody. But tea Ray plays a Godin xtSA guitar. Watch this Hack Music Theory playlist to see how we wrote I is Love for You : 2:25 Hack 1 Harmonic Notes 4:45 Hack 2 Syncopation 6:19 Hack 3 NonHarmonic Notes 7:52 Hack 4 Motifs 9:27 Hack 5 Harmony 10:23 Hack 6 Fix Perfect Intervals 13:16 Final Example (Guitar Playthrough M