Fender Custom Shop vs Masterbuilt Is There Really A 3 K Difference
I have always wanted a Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt Guitar, In my mind, these are the tip of the pinnacle of electric guitars. But is there really a noticeable difference between a Fender Custom Shop Teambuilt guitar and a Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt, In this video, we find out. Here is what Fender says. A Fender Custom Shop instrument is extraordinary. You know it when you play oneits definitely more than the sum of its parts. Its filled with intangible, electrifying elements that add a new dimension to your playing experience. Its as if the instrument itself is imbued with history, alive with the spirit of the place where it was built and the devotion of those who crafted it. The Custom Shop is home to Fenders most skilled and talented builders. Its a bustling, noisy and creatively volcanic place that reearns its nicknamethe Dream Factoryevery day. Custom Shop builders are completely dedicated to their artpart craftsman, part artist, part music fan and, more often than not, p