Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters ( PS1) Part 06 Shield Race and Moon Valley
This is episode was super bad for my hands. Due to the shield s awkward controls in Shield Race level and I was using new PS3 controller at the time. Sooo, yeah. And considering I had to redo this race multiple times to get everything, it made me dislike this level. Now, I really love Moon Valley due to level s atmosphere and music. This is easily one of likeable levels in the game. Now, if you ll excuse me, gonna take a break for my poor hands. NOTE: This requires explanation of my actions before boss fight (16:59) on why I silenced music ingame. There s one music got unused for some stupid reason and I won t understand why. Game uses one of Aztec minigame songs for this boss fight, which is NOT really fitting to be perfectly honest. So I silenced ingame music for the time being, so I could add that unused boss theme during editing. Game developed by Artificial Mind and Movement and published by Infogrames Looney Tunes characters belongs to Warner Bros