Newsbriefs From Russia (1941)
Item title reads Newsbriefs from Russia. Kirov. M, S of ambulance girls and women from other auxiliary forces, the camera pans across them as they are given instructions after their training. L, S as they climb into trucks and are driven away to the Front. They wave as they pass the camera. Gorky. M, S of young men under military age who are part of the voluntary rail repair detachment. Various shots as they repair the railway line and carry new sleepers into place. A train drives past on its way to the Front on a repaired line as they dig at the side. M, S of armoured train with big iron sides protecting the guns inside. Various shots as the guns start firing. Various shots of enemy headquarters that have been completely destroyed. M, S of dead German soldiers amongst the ruins. Budyennovsky. Various shots as Kuban Cossack villagers ride along on horses past the mother of Marshal Budenny, she waves to them. M, S of cavalry charging. M, S of Russian soldiers bringing in nazi deserter. His n