A CGI 3 D Short Film: Back Fire by Will Savage, Emily Hestelow, and Jacob Sadler, The CGBros
TheCGBros Presents BackFire A young boy struggles to prove himself to his mother, as they hunt fantastical creatures in the wilderness. Backfire is an action, adventure short film about perceived expectations within family relationships, produced from home during Australian COVID lockdowns as a graduation film. TEAM: Directed by Will Savage, Emily Hestelow, and Jacob Sadler Full Credits: Cast (Trout) Ewen Gorman Deeble Cast (Mum) Kate Gorman Cast (Daisy) Matilda Deeble Composer Joel Dias Sound Design Tobi Li Johnathan Sackesen Kai Harris 3D Animation Isabelle Duffy Madelaine Cherelle Habil Theo S Dahlstrom Nick Lazo 3D Animation, Modelling, Rigging Nathaniel Lym Ivan Anggabrata 3D Animation, Modelling Jake Taylor 2D Animation Winston Liu Wilton Lander David Muir Modelling Sean Liao