Tiny Cyberpunk 2077, Tilt Shift, Flurdeh
Using Tilt Shift to turn the world of Cyberpunk 2077 into a miniature world. Its various locations shrunk down and inhabitants waddling around going about their daily lives as if they were little toys. Patreon: Subscribe for more Twitter: About the game Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action roleplaying video game developed and published by CD Projekt. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the role of a mercenary known as V, as they explore the city doing missions. Credits Camera Tools by Frans Bouma Music: Outsider No More Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack P. T. Adamczyk Reshade Buy Cyberpunk 2077 Tiny Game Worlds is all about seeing the scenery and worlds of video games from a completely different perspective, using techniques like and similar to Tilt Shift in video games to make the world appear smaller.