Monogatari Manifesto, Understanding Monogatari Series
This version Monogatari Manifesto is the end of the biggest project I made, this is the result of almost a year of hard work. Hope you enjoy it Thanks: Dazi helped on the editing part to translate this video to english Sarca for his extensive research on Monogatari and Shaft in general SirParis Did the Thumbnail Ivosu helped in the editing of the spanish version of the video And the numerous people of my community who helped me in the translation process Support the channel Paypal: Social media (spanish) Twitter: Twitch: 00:00 intro 02:28 Monogatari and Otaku Culture 1:04:56 Saving Yourself and Mental Health 1:32:20 Nisioisin, Adaptation and Narrative 1:51:18 Regrets