Bossa n Amy The Sexiest Electro Bossa Songbook of Amy Winehouse
For more great bossa tracks follow us here: The Rio Series has launched records with huge success since Bossa n Stones was released many years ago. Their electrobossa versions of the best of the pop music of both centuries has been received with high interest by fans around the world. Hit albums such as Bossa n Adele, Bossa nMichael, Bossa nStones, Bossa nU2 and Bossa nMarley among many others have reached the top of the charts time and again. We present now Bossa nAmy, a tribute to the talented singer who tragically left us far too young. The coolest and sexiest electro bossa songbook of this much loved singer showcases her best songs set to swinging bossa nova beats andwe hope that you will find it as absolutely irresistible as we