Why the US Left Vietnam ( Documentary)
Get a NordVPN with a 2year plan plus 4 additional months with a huge discount and 30day money back guarantee: With violent antiwar protests at home and discipline problems on US bases, President Nixon promises to withdraw American troops from the Vietnam War. But that doesnt mean an end to the fighting. As US troop numbers drop, the war expands across borders and in the air as more weapons are pumped into the South SUPPORT US THANK YOU TO OUR COPRODUCERS David Garfinkle, Raymond Martin, Konstantin Bredyuk, Lisa Anderson, Brad Durbin, Jeremy K Jones, Murray Godfrey, John Ozment, Stephen Parker, Mavrides, Kristina Colburn, Stefan Jackowski, Cardboard, William Kincade, William Wallace, Daniel L Garza, Chris Daley, Malcolm Swan, Christoph Wolf, Simen Røste, Jim F Barlow, Taylor Allen, Adam Smith, James Giliberto, Albert B. Knapp MD, Tobias Wildenblanck, Richard