Hardcore technos alternative history Case: Dance of the Anthropoids Electric Byway
Was the first released prototype of hardcore techno actually released in 1968 in Finland In this video, we take a look at the history of hardcore techno and speedcore, and a particular 1960 s experiment of high tempo rhythmic electronic music and its creator. English captions available, Tekstitetty suomeksi EDIT: A little correction: We Have Arrived from the Reflections Of 2017 12 was on white label in 1990, but officially came out in 1991 on Planet Core Productions and Industrial Strength. Thanks to Spastmatiker for pointing it out. INTRO MUSIC BY: de coeur MUSIC BY: Leo Anibald Ritmicida Delia Derbyshire Dance from Noah Erkki Kurenniemi Antropoidien tanssi Erkki Kurenniemi Sähkösoittimen ääniä, 1 Amalgam 5 Amalgam V Low Entropy Futuristic