Magnum Boots and Essential Equipment Thank You from NOLATAC for Exceptional Customer Service
This video is a simple thank you to Magnum Essential Equipment and their PR manager Alexis Nascimento for going above and beyond in their support to a very diverse customer base. I quite unexpectedly won their weekly Facebook Fan Appreciation contest. After receiving an email on FB that I won, Alexis went out of her way to make sure that my prize pack was actually chock full of items I would use. She went so far as to notice I was deployed overseas and recommended that I get the desert boots instead of the black ones they normally include in the prize pack. She also assisted me in finding a pair of desert zipper inserts that I have been looking for some time. It may not seem like a big deal, but that one little example of attention to detail is exceedingly rare in today s market. I appreciate Alexis taking a personal interest in me and my situation and Magnum for doing these contests which puts their great products in the hands of those that want and need them. i have not worn these boots yet, but