The Last of Us 2 Ellies a pacifist Hillcrest Seattle Day 2 Stealth + No Ki LL
Chapter: Seattle Day 2 Hillcrest. Ellie tries to get through Hillcrest by stealth and without killing WLF soldiers or dogs. Challenge: Survivor Platform: PlayStation 4 Pro , TLOU2, TheLastofUsPart2, Pacifist, NoKiLL, Stealth, TheLastofUs2, Survivor, Ellie, TLOU, PS4, NaughtyDog, gameplay The Last of Us Part II videogame by Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment. Devious Hippo: I try to provide Creative, Epic Gameplay from games like The Last of Us Part II, Death Stranding. In the future Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 6, Hitman 3, etc. I focus on gameplay features such as Fast Stealthy Passage No KiLL, Stealth Kills, Agressive Brutal Combat, Explosive Multi Kill Compilation, as well as Various Tricks. Looking for an effective way to use weapons that are usually rarely used, such as Trap Mines, Molotovs. I create rehearsed gameplay and show fails.