What To Do With Your Student Loan Forgiveness Check
What To Do With Your Student Loan Forgiveness Check , personalfinance, studentloanforgiveness, studentloandebt The Biden Administration has pushed for Student Loan Debt Forgiveness for quite some time and now that it s a reality, some may be thinking about what to do with that money. Should you spend it on a new car Put a downpayment on a new house Make it rain at the club In this video, we ll look at how much money you might get from the Student Debt Relief program and where you can put it. From bonds to mutual funds and even the stock market and cryptocurrency, there are plenty of places to put your government check. Which is right for you and which should you avoid Wrestling With Finance What To Do With Your Student Loan Forgiveness Check Visit my website: Twitter: Facebook: Patreon: Twitch: ww