Marry Me (2022) Behind The Scenes, Funny Moments On Set Cast Interviews, Jennifer Lopez Movie
Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at Marry Me releasing in theaters on February 11th with some funny on set moments. On set interviews from Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson, Maluma, Michelle Buteau and Sarah Silverman. Marry Me (2022 Release, February 11) Pop superstar Kat Valdez is about to get married before an audience of her loyal fans. However, seconds before the ceremony, she learns about her fiance s cheating ways and has a meltdown on stage. In a moment of inspired insanity, Kat locks eyes with a total stranger in the crowd and marries him on the spot. As forces conspire to separate the unlikely newlyweds, they must soon decide if two people from such different worlds can find true love together. Marry Me Cast: Jennifer Lopez Owen Wilson Maluma Chloe Coleman Brady Noon John Bradley Sarah Silverman Michelle Buteau Jimmy Fallon Jameela Jamil , MarryMe, JenniferLopez, OwenWilson, Maluma, MarryMeMovie, BehindTheScenes, FunnyMoments, CastInterviews SUBSCRIBE SHARE WIT