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МОЯ TELEGRAM ГРУППА: t. me, mdTROYnews ЛАМПОВЫЙ ЧАТ В TELEGRAM: t. me, mdTROY ПОДДЕРЖАТЬ ТРОЯ: НЕ ЗАБУДЬ ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ: t. me, mdTROY t. me, mdTROYnews ПО ВОПРОСАМ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА: All requests for reviews YouTube to send email to: I am not a seller and do not sell electronic cigarettes through Youtube. There are no links to buy electronic cigarettes in my videos and description. I make my videos to educate users on the safe use of electronic cigarettes. I am against the use of electronic cigarettes by minors. The use of ecigarettes and nicotine can be hazardous to your health. My content is for adults, Must be 21 years of age or older Warning: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical