Richard Sanderson Reality текст, перевод, транскрипция
Поддержать канал: Мои книги на ЛитРес: Второй канал: Текст, перевод и транскрипция песни (двойные субтитры: русские и английские). Слова пронумерованы по частоте использования в языке (согласно словарю Collins): 1) постоянно 2) очень часто 3) часто 4) редко 5) очень редко Текстовая версия: Текст песни Reality Met you by surprise I didn t realize That my life would change forever Saw you standing there, I didn t know Id care There was something special in the air Dreams are my reality The only kind of real fantasy Illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams It seems as if it s meant to be Dreams are my reality A different kind of reality I dream of loving in the night And loving seems alright Although it s only fantasy If you do exist Honey don t resist Show me a new way of loving Tell me that it s true Show m