Andrei Yana: Tarraxinha Kizomba Dance Demo, 2016 HD, Vanda May Nao Me Tarraxa
This couple usually don t teach together, but still I am glad Yana was able to assist Andrei. She s one of the most badass tarraxinha girls I ve danced with. Now she KNOWS how to isolate every part of the body :) Amazing Tarraxinha dance is very hard to teach, because it is generally invisible. It s based on micromovements and microimpulses. But Andrei did good job explaining and showing how to do some basic waves, as well as how to play with it. What was super helpful is that both of them went around changing with girls and guys. Always grateful, when I get a chance to dance with instructor himself to perfectly understand the move. Great tarraxinha class Dancers: Yana Tyan Andrei Zhulid Event: Hot Ice Kiz Weekend 2016 Edited and Produced by, onkizomba