War Crimes in Gaza: How Israeli schools Militarise Children Interview with Nurit Peled Elhanan
A Pornography of Evil in Israeli school books to indoctrinate children for war. In this powerful and eyeopening interview, renowned Israeli scholar Prof. Nurit PeledElhanan takes us deep into the hidden machinery behind Israels education system and how it fuels the ongoing IsraeliPalestinian conflict. As the mother of a daughter tragically killed in a Palestinian suicide bombing, Nurits insights carry a weight few can matchyet, despite her personal loss, she refuses to embrace hatred. Instead, she exposes how Israeli schoolbooks systematically dehumanize Palestinians, shaping young minds to see Arabs as enemies, and fueling a cycle of violence that leads to todays war crimes in Gaza. Discover the shocking truth: How the Holocaust narrative is manipulated to invoke fear in Israeli childrennot of Germans, but of Arabs, now labeled as Nazis by Israeli leaders. Understand the transformation: How Israeli children, indoctrinated from an early age, grow into soldiers