ANSYS Fluent Tutorial, , Species transport modelling, , NOx modelling ( Methane combustion 2, 2)
This is the second part of the MethaneAir combustion tutorial. This will include NOx and Soot modelling. Species transport equation has been used to simulate gaseous combustion. The temperature and fuel distribution has been calculated in the very first part of this tutorial, the link is given below: ANSYSFluent Tutorial Combustion of Methane Species transport modelling (1, 2) The emission elements i. e. CO2, NOx and soot density can be calculated by providing separate treatment. Here we are considered Prompt NOx to calculate NOx emission. I had also demonstrated how can we convert molefraction into PPM, with the help of the Custume field function. I have also include soot modelling by considering the MossBrookes model. The soot density with an appropriate colour scheme has been demonstrated. You can learn more about ANSYSFluent with the following of my tutorials: ANSYSFluent Tutorial, , Twophase flow, , Slug flow, , Multiphase flow simulation