News In Flashes London (1959)
Title reads: News in Flashes. London. C, U American Ambassador, John Hay Whitney arriving at Air Ministry Building in Whitehall to unveil the statue of Sir Walter Raleigh, he is greeted by Lord Baillieu. C, U Lord Hailsham (aka Quentin Hogg). C, U Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd standing with Lord Mayor Sir Harold Gillett. M, S Whitney and Lord Baillieu standing on the platform in front of the statue. C, U Whitney speaking. C, U disabled war hero Group Captain Bader standing in the crowd. M, S Whitney ending speech and walking towards statue. G, V Whitney pulling cord and unveiling statue. C, U Whitney looking at the statue. C, U statue. C, U head and shoulders of statue. Intertitle: London. C, U mechanic in white coat taking wheel off car and walking past camera. C, U mechanic putting the wheel onto bench. C, U mechanic s hand undoing the valve on the tyre and letting the air out. C, U tyre, workman s hand comes into picture: the treads of the tyre are removable once tyre has been deflated. C, U m