Kafka knows when Trailblazer telling TRUTH, LIE, CHEATING
Kafka Companion quest TRUTH or LIE Game Kafka responses when you Like, Dislike her Cheating Kafka first question What do You think about me 0:00, TRUTH I like 0:16, LIE I like 0:39, TRUTH I think you re pretty 0:58, LIE I think you re pretty 1:24, TRUTH I don t care about 1:48, LIE I don t care about 2:15, TRUTH I dislike 2:37, LIE I dislike 3:01, TRUTH I hate 3:21, LIE I hate Kafka second question Do you want to see me again 3:43, Obey the rules I want to see Kafka again 4:09, Obey the rules I don t want to see Kafka again 4:37, Ignore the rules, Cheating