手技 TEWAZA 加茂桐簞笥 KAMO Paulownia Chests Woodwork 伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square
19世紀初めに桐簞笥の生産が始まります東北産の良質の桐を使い柾目を生かす製材木釘と組接ぎやしゃぶし着色ろうみがきなど伝統の技法を駆使して作られているのが加茂桐簞笥桐材の特質を生かした総桐簞笥を生産しています KAMOKIRITANSUFURNITURE) Kamoshi, Niigata Prefecture Due to the high humidity in Japan, the tansu (chest) is made of kiri (paulownia), considered an ideal material since olden times, for containers in which to keep clothes. The manufacture of this tansu began here in the early 19th century, and now this region manufactures 70 of all kiritansu made in Japan.