Kangal attacks a German Shepherd that tried to show its dominance
, KangalvsGermanShepherd, Kangalvs, kangalvsalmankurdu Kangal attacks a German Shepherd in Turkey. 4 of the kids were on their way to home, with their pet German Shepherd, when they went past an angry Kangal that was tied to a post. Kangal s sudden attack shocked the boys but the GSD didn t seem to had bother much about it. It stayed calm and kept on walking behind the boys. On the other hand, Kangal was trying its best to set itself free from the post that it was tied to. Constant pulling and jumping did the job for Kangal and it managed to broke free from the chain and attacked the German Shepherd, that was pissing on pole at that time. Dogs often cover up other dogs urine as a means of expressing social power. If a dog feels tougher and more alpha than another individual, he perceives to be meek and timid. It might communicate that by concealing the other furry guy s pee with its own. In some cases dogs to submissive urination, in which a dog pees