Outside The Great Circle
April 18 2013, 14:30, Main Stage, Roadburn Festival, Tilburg, Holland. These are the coordinates of space and time for the worldwide premiere of my Outside The Great Circle movie. This is the highlight of my art so far, combining illustration, music and movie and it closes the chapter in my life, opened by the almighty Where Purgatory Ends in 2011. After 4 complex art exhibition projects based on human becoming, Outside The Great Circle is the fifth element that completes the puzzle, the farthest point my mind reached in this planetary system. So, tomorrow the odyssey that animated my quests and gave to this part of my life a purpose reached it s end. You should check out these elements from time to time and see them as a complete thing. Just with your soul. Forget about human conditions, egos and everything that you learned on this planed among people. Watch these from time to time by yourself. Your real self is needed, as they are completely pure. I would