Getting Dressed in the 18th Century Dido Elizabeth Belle (1779)
Dido Elizabeth Belle undresses and and dresses for her 1779 portrait by artist David Martin. Dido is accompanied by her cousin Lady Elizabeth Murray. For more information on Dido Belle and to see the painting, follow these links: Thanks to support from Director, Cinematographer: Nicole Loven Producer, Costumier: Pauline Loven Producer, Assistant director Liv Free Makeup, hair Liv Free Voiceover: Liv Free Dido Elizabeth Belle Laila Mnii Lady Elizabeth Murray Sophie Morris David Martin Marcus Houden Maid Emma Kirkup Maid Jasmine Ackerman Music: Chris Gordon Costume assistant Kelly Clarke Filmed on location at Normanby Hall, North Lincolnshire Special thanks to: Madeleine Gray, Collections Assistant at Normanby Hall, for all her help and support during filming. Scone Palace for support in our research. , blackhistorymonth, blackhistory, fashion, history