Tenth Doctor: The Musical
complete track list at the end of the description, , Doctor Who WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE I realized just now that this might be the perfect day to be posting this vid. And the best part is it wasn t planned or anything but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVID TENNANT You know how sometimes you have crazy ideas that you think might work, but at the same time might not, and yet you keep going with them because you think What the hell and hope for the best Well, this is it for me. I d been considering making a project like this for some time until I came across a couple of songs that pretty much begged me to add them to something like this (especifically, Tubthumping for Jack and Changes for the regeneration). I m just sad that, try as I might, I couldn t make this under 7 minutes long, which for me is way too much for a vid. But I just didn t want to cut anything I m pre br, br,