Homeschool Science Experiment: Airfoils, Aviation and Paper Flyers
Learn how to make a supersimple, superfun stunt flying machine with only a sheet of paper Watch the video for more details If you want your kids to make more projects like this, and if you found this helpful and you find yourself thinking, Hey, you know, I want this person to teach my kids science for me, and to create my curriculum lessons for me then we can do just that. Go to When you get there, youll see a video that shows you the science curriculum that I developed and teach. If you like what you see on that website, just fill in the form below the video and your kids can get started today doing real handson science with everyday materials. Thanks for watching Aurora Supercharged Science Homeschool Science Curriculum P. S. By the way, If you know anybody that might find this content useful or helpful, please share it Thanks so much