Roman Reigns Theme Mashup, Tribal Chief s Paradise ( Coolio Mix)
Earphone, Headphone Recommended Its almost 2 months with no new upload and I feel that my channel has been getting drier than the Sahara Desert. Serving my nation has taking its toll of my free time. Also, this mashup is a tribute to COOLIO (famous for Gangstas Paradise) who has recently passed. Credit for the Custom Titantron for Roman Reigns goes to : The AJ Universe Song Used : Def Rebel Head of The Table (Vocal Removed) Coolio Gangstas Paradise (Feat. L. V) Tags:, RomanReigns, Coolio, WWEMashup, TribalChief, HeadofTheTable, JoeAnoai, SupermanPunch, Spear, BelieveThat, BoomanReigns, HeadofTheTable, TheShield, RomanEmpire, SamoanDrop, WWE, SamoanWWE, JoseyReigns, JosephAnoai, TheRock, TheUsos, AfaSika, Smackdown, PaulHeyman, BrockLesnar, TheRock, TheBloodline, Smackdown, GuillotineChoke, Raw, WWE, NXT, DefRebel, JimJohnston, MustaqimA, AcknowledgeMe Roman Reigns Theme Mashup, WeTheOnes, SamiZayn, wwe, SoloSikoa Gangs